About curlycurvydiva

For those of you who have followed  me over the years we both can say we have evolved so much in the past few years.

For those of you just discovering this space here's a little bit more about curlycurvydiva...

who is she?

She is curly. Even if you can't always tell. She will and has always shared her hair routine and fav brands.
She is curvy. That much you can tell. She will always and has always spoken for curvy woman and shared body positivity.
She is a diva. But sometimes you need to be one.

what? my third person intro doesn't have you convinced? then let's dig deeper.

So why curlycurvydiva?
Well curly and curvy was all about accepting who I am and bringing others like me on this journey. Diva was about me being a diva for a period in my life. but now, six years later, I have come to realize that the diva part was simply me finally setting some boundaries for myself.
My point being, I am all about accepting yourself as you are, improving your relationship with yourself for you and setting healthy boundaries.

I have been curlycurvydiva for about six years now but becoming a mother was a complete turning point in my life.
It completely emphasized the whole body positive, speak your mind, be yourself aspect of my persona. So I became more vocal on my social media.

I mentioned in an earlier post that that is where I have my main activity and how I want to use my blog to talk about more in depths things.
Well... I don't only want to talk about body positivity here. I want to share it all. 
For a while n ow I have felt that curlycurvydiva is more than just body positivity. 
She is me and I am her and I want us to merge.
I want to share lifestyle, motherhood, travel, body positivity and so much more.

So I would be honored for you to follow my journey.
Let's grow together.

xoxo curlycurvydiva


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